
4% Hunter Hunting Treasury

This Hunter Hunting Treasury funds will be used to invest in early NFT projects. In return, HunterDAO will obtain the investment revenue of NFT Royalty shares,NFTs, and the whitelist for the initial issuance of the NFT project invested.

Each time the Hunter Hunting Treasury accumulates 21 ETH,the investment will be carried out automatically to an approved Proposal A. 17.5 ETH will be sent immediately to the approved project wallet address as early investment, and 3.5 ETH in $HUNTERS will be burned.

More details about Proposals A:

4% Hound Breeding Treasury

The Hound Breeding Treasury will be used for product development, team operation, contract security and other purposes. A sustainable project will need a continuous construction.

1% Talent Hunting Treasury

This Treasury funds will be used to reward the artists and creators who create art works for HunterDAO. The proposer will show their works and apply for a certain amount of rewards.

The purpose is to encourage artists and creators to produce contents for HunterDAO, make HunterDAO known by more people. Moreover, from this mechanism more potential art creators will be discovered, the fresh blood will be brought to the DAO, building with a bigger and better art creator community.

Any artist who creates valuable contents for HunterDAO can submit the Proposal B, and apply for a Target reward in HUNTER, i.e 0.25ETH, 0.5ETH, 0.75ETH, 1ETH, 1.5ETH or 2ETH.

More details about Proposals B :

1% Burning $HUNTER.

1% of the DAO management fees will be burned to keep $HUNTER token in a continuous deflationary status.

Last updated