How to Submit Proposal A

1.Go to HUNTER A section

On, click the Proposals option at the top, and select the HUNTER A. This will take you to the page of all Proposals Type-A, where you can view pending, and closed proposals (both successful and failed).

2.You can click SUBMIT to submit a proposal A if you are one of the Top 50 HUNTER-A holders. If you aren't a top 50, you will need to enlist a Top 50 holder to help you, and submit on your behalf.

3. Fill the form:

You are required to submit all the details about the project, including:

•Name of Proposer

•Proposer Discord or Twitter handle

•Proposer Wallet Address

•Name of Project

•A short description of the project, why it is suitable for HunterDAO to invest

•An investment deck, a Litepaper or a whitepaper. This must include the NFT issuance, project future planning and all details

•Details of all social medias associated with the project

•The Royalty Share Rewards for HunterDAO distribution

•Whitelist numbers offered for the Top HUNTER A Holders

•NFT expected to be locked for x day/week/month

•Main Ethereum wallet for the project investee to accept the 21 ETH.

4. Click to confirm also the terms:

•Confirm all the investment rewards will be swapped for HUNTER, and 50% will be sent to a burn wallet, and 50% will be distributed for all HUNTER-A holders.

•Confirm the project launch date is within 12 weeks of the end date of the proposal.

•Confirm when project starts to launch, will use the Royalty Contract Template of HunterDAO to set the treasury contract for receiving royalty, in order to realize an automatic distribution of NFT royalty incomes.

5.Click SUBMIT

Once all fields are filled you can click Submit, and sign the transaction to proceed.

Each proposal will be open for voting for a total of 5 days, at which time it will end according to the voting score. If the required number of votes (1 Billion) is not reached, then it will fail, even if over 50% voted to approve.

Last updated